Diaries: 1979-1981
50 years without a moment’s rest: trips, scrutinies, visiting so many communities in Madrid, Zamora, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, Florence, Ivrea... Listening and listening to each brother speak about his life, his sufferings, and his history: enlightening it with the light of faith, of the glorious Cross of Our Lord Jesus. I think you have the right to get to know Carmen’s heart, her immense love for Jesus Christ. She constantly said, “My Jesus, I love you. Come, come, help me.” Carmen penned her diaries over the course of 30 years and we will transcribe them little by little for the spiritual good of the brothers of the Way and of the Church. Here, we have published the first three years (1979-1981), in which can be seen the enormous work of evangelization we have done. Keep these writings with reverence. None of us deserves a sister like her.